It is tempting for people of a certain generation (mine) to bitch and moan about how great music (by that, they are usually referring to rock) is dead, or at least neglected. Well, as you know if you have been reading this column, I disagree. Yes, in America it certainly can seem that way, and if people are going to call our popular music empty and vapid, I’m not going to argue.
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Rock (6): Don’t tell me rock is dead (This is…
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It is tempting for people of a certain generation (mine) to bitch and moan about how great music (by that, they are usually referring to rock) is dead, or at least neglected. Well, as you know if you have been reading this column, I disagree. Yes, in America it certainly can seem that way, and if people are going to call our popular music empty and vapid, I’m not going to argue.