Charles, great post. I can't read your posts without having time, because I always want to watch every clip.

It's so intriguing to me that a lot of these hard rock and metal girl groups are coming out of traditional cultures, both in the US and in countries like Japan and Mexico and Indonesia. I wonder if metal really speaks to them in some powerful way in terms of 'liberation' through music. I know it does me, but I don't want to project onto them (and I haven't had time to watch the interview with The Warning).

I love seeing the passion of the male fans. I also wonder if men have really suffered by having a music industry that effectively shut most women musicians out for so many years, or made it remarkably difficult for them to participate -- or even to take up rock 'n' roll instruments.

Whatever the case, it's great to see what's happening, and thanks for documenting and sharing it.

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Thanks for taking the time Ellen! Always appreciate the thoughtful comments. Re. liberation: As far as I can see, American artists are much more self-consciously political in their presentation. The Japanese bands, which are arguably playing some of the most aggressive music, clearly enjoy the shock element when people see them perform for the first time, so they do realize that what they are doing can be seen as a "statement" of some kind. (Nemophila describe their genre as "Fluffy Hell"!) Of course they have to deal with the ugly sexism in their industry as well, so they are not oblivious to the politics. But I think they just genuinely love this kind of music, and yes, find it liberating!

As for male audiences, there is a clear divide. There are guys who are simply not open to women in hard rock and metal, and never concede that any of these bands are worth listening to. Then there are a whole camp who are genuinely impressed by the creativity and musicianship they are seeing, and love the girl-power vibe.

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Very interesting perspectives, Charles.

I love Nemophilia calling their genre Fluffy Hell. How perfect. And I'm glad they love it so much that they persist no matter what they come up against. I'm loving the spirit of these younger generations!

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Charles - These young women of The Warning are an absolute powerhouse! I listened to every clip and was in complete awe. Their growth, as you mentioned, is overwhelming. So gorgeously talented. I will want to see their progress and I have no doubt The Warning will bring back rock music. Having pointed out in the last song, how with simply these 3 women on stage is more than enough. I can see why Pauline is awarded so highly as a drummer. Stewart Copeland of the Police and Roger Taylor of Queen as well as Buddy Rich from the great jazz era would be enthralled! Thank you for introducing this masterful group.

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