Ha! Thanks for the shout-out. I was hoping you would have included a Celtic Woman link so I can be lazy and not have to type out two extra words in a YouTube search!:)

I'm wondering....Did you know about Yuki Kajiura for a while or did you discover her recently in your research for your Women in Music series?

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By the way, here is the very first footage of Celtic Woman, and still my favorite clip. The concert was intended as a one-off, and they didn't even have a name, but the reception was so positive that they decided to become a permanent group and named themselves Celtic Woman. They have had some 18 or so members over the years. Chloe Agnew, who takes the first verse here, was 15 at the time, and ended up being the longest-serving member of the group. Her voice has been studied by sound engineers because of its purity--her root note is almost a perfect sine wave. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JA1P2jG-EnE And here is one of my other favorite clips, featuring Chloe with Lynn Hilary, who is an almost perfect tonal match but with a slightly lower register: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6RSB39DMfM

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Great videos, Charles! PBS introduced me to Celtic Woman about a decade ago (if not longer). Speaking of stratospheric voices, I'm wondering if you've heard/heard of Libera, who also performed trad church songs.

They're a constantly over-turning boy choir out of England (boys age out, of course, and new ones are brought in). The late Robert Prizeman was their musical director, arranger, and occasionally, wrote original songs, like this one, which shares their name: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZisEloh_Cks

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Just played that. Gorgeous, thank you. Did not know of them.

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I've known of her for a few years--not through research per se, and not initially because of the "women" angle, but because I listen to a lot of Japanese groups and her stuff kept popping up. I first found Kalafina and then FictionJunction before making the connection to Kajiura. Those two groups have big international fanbases--it's kind of funny to see them debating which of the vocalists is their fave (sort of the way Beatles fans argued over their favorite Beatle). I've barely scratched the surface of her work--it's a huge catalogue. There are fans who know the whole thing inside-out and backward, and can explain the finer points of all the different performances of any given song. She is huge in the Anime community, which is a world unto itself and which I haven't explored much because frankly I'm afraid to get sucked in and never escape!

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Organic awareness and appreciating! Very cool! Well, it'll be enlightening to allow you to guide us through the world of Japanese music, their women and more! As for Anime, I share your trepidation....if we don't hear from you after, say, a month, we'll send a search party from one graphic novel to another!🔍

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Ooh, I'm curious about that, too, Steve! Good question! Charles is right: She's a great film composer I'VE never heard of...but, how'd HE hear of her? We shall wait!😁

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