When the cover is better than the original (4): Hendrix does Dylan, EJ does Hendrix
This is my fourth post on covers that are at least worthy of the originals, if not better. I want to thank a few of you including Jonathan M, Russell S, Arun H., Daniel G, Chris B., Ed W., and Alan Y. for contributing to this topic. If you disagree with these choices, blame me, because I'm only posting suggestions I agree with! If you remember suggesting something and I left you out, please message me or leave a comment.
I can think of three kinds of covers: First, when the performer is trying to sound as much as possible like the original. This is what bands that play at weddings do, if they’re good. Second, when the performer is faithful to the original, but tries to make it their own. Almost everything Elvis did falls into this category. Third, when the performer takes the original idea and makes something completely new.
Jimi Hendrix: “All Along the Watchtower” (Bob Dylan)
One of those which is more than a cover. Hendrix just warped it into something completely new.
Eric Johnson: “Are you Experienced?” (Jimi Hendrix)
This is more a tribute than a remake. But it’s a tribute that, in my opinion, surpasses the original. EJ is one of the few guitarists technical enough to pull this off. What I love most, however, is his unique, fat, ringing tone. No one else sounds like this.