Not the Village People (2)
Arka'n Asrofokor
Here are more artists who mix folk with rock and metal. This isn’t straightforward: Folk music is not about innovation, it is about familiarity and comfort, and anyone can perform it. Rock and metal are at their best when exploring new ground, and they only work when performed by top-notch musicians. These bands have found a way to make it all work.
Eluveitie (Switzerland): The Call Of The Mountains
They’ve been around almost 20 years, and cover a wide range of styles, but always with this melding of folk and rock sounds:
Arka'n Asrafokor (Togo)
I find these guys mind-blowing, and I frankly can’t understand why they are not much bigger. Not really sure what else to say. Like the rest of the world, they were under lock-down, so this is from a virtual music festival. It’s a long clip and completely worth the time:
Wagakki Band (Japan)
There may be no group in the world that does this better. They are Jedi masters of their instruments, both Western and Japanese, and they sure know how to stage a show. Oh, and I’m in love with the Shamisen player: